Summer Heat

July 23rd, 2014
Most of us know tires are one of the most important safety features of any vehicle and want to keep our tires in the best condition possible. However, what you do not know about tire wear and tire pressure could be damaging them the most. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Association, nearly 200 driving casualties per year occur at the hands of unmaintained tires. Right now it is estimated that 1 in 4 cars on the road are driving with underinflated tires.
While summer is the season for vacations, cookouts, and water parks, it is also the season with torturous heat/weather conditions for tires. You can stay ahead of the heat this summer by keeping your tires in their optimum condition with these easy tips and checks. From the beginning, choose tires thoughtfully and always purchase in sets of 2 or 4.   ...[more]
  Posted in: Tire 101


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