Benefits You Didn’t Know About Oil Changes

July 15th, 2015

Automotive technology has come a long way since the mid-20th century, and so has motor oil. A 1940s-era car didn’t feature an oil pump or oil filter. Instead, they relied on dippers on the crankshaft’s counterweights, which would then sling oil to coat crucial moving parts. Motor oils in those days weren’t designed with detergents and other additives to help keep the engine clean; even with frequent oil change intervals, many cars would be in need of an engine overhaul by the time they reached 80,000 miles.

Today’s motor oil formulations incorporate additives to suspend contaminants in the oil so they can easily be trapped by the oil filter. Here are a few other facts about motor oil you may not have known:


  Posted in: Auto Repair 101

4 Budget Friendly Ways to Improve Mom’s Ride

May 14th, 2015

So we all know that May is devoted to Mother’s Day. In honor of mothers everywhere, here are a few helpful suggestions for you to show mom just how much you care.  
1. Oil Change - Getting Mom’s car an oil change would be a nice way to help her get the most miles out of her car. Regular oil changes keep moving parts lubricated, reducing friction and heat buildup, and prevent deposits of sludge and gunk from building up on internal engine assemblies. 
2. Wiper Replacement - Even the best windshield wipers need to be replaced every 12 months or so. We’ll get a look at the wi ...[more]
  Posted in: Auto Repair 101

Why Schedule Regular Oil Changes For Your Vehicle?

March 5th, 2015
Many vehicle owners do not take the time to schedule regular oil changes. Regular oil changes are vital to the life of your engine and can extend its performance for years. This is one of the most important and inexpensive things you can do to keep engine protected. Most manufacturers recommend changing your oil every 3,000-6,000 miles, depending on your vehicle use and the type of oil you are using. 
Oil Changes are essential to:
  • Lubricate engine to reduce wear and friction
  • Reduce engine temperatures
  • Maintaining proper engine function
With regular oil changes your engine will be protected against much of the harm normal wear and tear will cause. Parts will stay cleaner with less corrosion, which means with regular upkeep there will b ...[more]
  Posted in: Auto Repair 101

Five Tips for Thanksgiving Travel

November 27th, 2014
1. Tires: Ensure tire pressure is properly serviced and maintained for both lengthy travels and everyday driving. Underinflation of tires can cause unnecessary wear and hardship to tire tread, causing tire failure or malfunctions. If not properly inflated, fuel economy can be severely decreased, causing drivers to lose about .6 miles per gallon due to improper tire conditions. Whether over or under inflated, tires can easily lose traction that could lead to an accident if not addressed. Service tires before Thanksgiving travel this holiday season to avoid unnecessary accidents, injury or inconvenience.
2. Headlights: Maintaining proper safety and visibility is imperative for winter driving conditions as travelers often drive in less t ...[more]
  Posted in: Auto Repair 101

Oil Changes for Mother’s Day

May 7th, 2014
When you were growing up, your Mother gave you the world!  So, what better way to show her how much you care about her than the gift of vehicle maintenance. Skip the cheesy cards and give the Mother in your life a gift that is not only practical, but one she can enjoy for 3,000–5,000 miles. Transform that forgettable bouquet of flowers into a memorable oil change with sentimental value that truly shows how much you care about her safety and the longevity of her vehicle. This is a thoughtful gift any Mother will use and make her feel like a queen while doing an everyday task such as having an oil change. 
Preventative maintenance is the most effective step any vehicle owner could utilize to both improve the performance of their vehicle and protect the longevi ...[more]
  Posted in: Auto Repair 101


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